Make your Christmas Eve look lush: 3 infallible tricks so that it does not defoliate
The Christmas Eve is one of the most representative plants of Christmas, especially the traditional of deep red that seems to be velvety, they are perfect for decorating our Christmas spirit and awaken.
The poinsettia, poinsettia or Euphorbia pulcherrima, as it is also known, is a beautiful native ornamental plant in Mexico, in fact, is one of the most cultivated worldwide.

According to the Institute of Ecology ( INECOL ), there are about 100 varieties, from the traditional red, pink, salmon, white, marbled or with fringes on the margins .
1- Lack of water or excess irrigation

When was the last time the regaste? This is one of the main causes why they end up dying on Christmas Eve before the end of Christmas. If you notice that your leaves look “hanging”, “sad” and the substrate is too dry, you definitely need water.
When a poinsettia blooms, it regularly consumes more water than normal to keep its colors so vivid, it is best to water it 2 times a week so that the soil does not stay totally dry, but make sure not to flood it.
This plant is a bit special when it comes to watering because if it receives too much water it will weaken until it withers, especially if it does not have good drainage, the substrate will store a lot of moisture, causing the roots to rot due to lack of oxygen.
Here the key is to water it only 2 times a week, put water directly on the pot, but without wetting its leaves, as this could discolor or wilt them.
2- It has been wrapped for a long time

Surely you’ve noticed that often the vendors wrap the pot with cellophane to decorate them and make them look nicer, however, poinsettias give off a gas called ethylene, and if you take away that role, you can not breathe properly, as it stays locked in the pot .
The solution is very easy, do not buy your plant with that wrap or remove it when you get home, I know they look beautiful, but I assure you that without that wrap your leaves will stay stronger, healthier and in their place .
3- Lack of light

All plants need a certain amount of sunlight to stay beautiful, it does not matter if they are shaded or sunny , as it is part of their food.
Place them in a place where the sun enters through a window so that it looks more leafy and does not begin to wither, you can also take it out to the sun for a few hours so that it does not burn the direct sun.