8 Asian Beauty Tricks to show off a young and radiant Skin

Asian women are well known for their porcelain skin, so many of us have wondered what the secret is.

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These women have a flawless appearance and have an extraordinary cult following for glowing skin.

Actually, it is due to a routine that makes up 8 Asian beauty tricks that we are going to show you.

1- Sunscreen

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These women wear sunscreen every day. This routine helps them show off clear, luminous skin free of unsightly blemishes because they never sunbathe directly on their faces and apply a face cream with a very high protection factor.

2- Wash your face

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They never stop washing their faces in the mornings. They wash their faces with warm water alternating with cold water. This procedure is repeated 4 times. The alternating water serves to awaken the microcirculation of the face, and in this way make the skin more rosy, fresh and luminous.

3- Natural masks

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It’s not 2 times a week as usual, but 2 times a day. They use new generation masks that are applied using a tissue or paper mask or hydrogel ones. Also, you can use natural masks based on ingredients such as eggs, avocado and honey, among others.

4- Jade roller

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This is passed through the face from the bottom up, and through the neck from top to bottom, if possible previously cold. Activates circulation and makes the skin look smoother. You can use it in the morning before applying makeup, or at night before going to bed.

5- Face massager

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Facial massage with an electric massager causing true positive effects on the skin. It tones, lifts and frees it from imperfections. Its results are immediate.

6- Water and infusions

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They do not drink cold water, but warm. They complete their hydration routine from the inside out with infusions every day.

7- A meal schedule

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They take care of their food, but they never do it after 7:00 at night. This is one of the secrets to always stay slim.

8- Egg for dark circles

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They boil 1 egg, peel it and pass it around the eye contour while it is still hot, practicing a circular massage. With this trick they are able to eliminate any sign of tiredness from the look.

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