How to Save a Rotten Succulent – Easy and Effective Step by Step
Caring for this species is a challenge, especially if it’s kept indoors or in the office.
How to care for a succulent indoors?
1.- Try to take your succulent out to the roof or place it next to a window for approximately 6 hours.
2.- Choose those of green color and slow growth, since they adapt better indoors .
3.- Its watering lasts from 10 to 15 days, but to prevent it from rotting, don’t wait for the soil to dry out completely .
4.- Every 4 months add a little compost to your succulent. In specialized stores there are preparations for this purpose, but you can also place worm humus .
5.- Select a pot that allows good drainage, that has a hole in the base. When it comes to soil, it has to be special; For example, mix humus, river sand, coarse sand, or gravel .
How to save a rotten succulent?
1.- Take your succulent out of the pot and check the stem and root . Cut the black areas with scissors or a knife, previously disinfected with alcohol.
2.- Let it dry and heal. Something important is that it should not be in direct sunlight.
3.- After 3 to 5 days, try to plant it. If you are going to use the same pot, try to wash it and put in new soil.
4.- Plant and water it.