How to Care for a Lotus Plant – 5 steps
It is the most traditional flower of Japanese ponds. In fact, the lotus flower is native to Asia, growing in swamps, lakes, ponds and lagoons. A spring aquatic flower whose flowers you can enjoy until the last days of summer.

Would you like to decorate your home with one of the most elegant and special flowers of Mother Nature ? In this article we share what care this beautiful plant should have.
Steps to follow:
The lotus flower is aquatic, as well as a flower for spring and summer. Therefore, to take care of the lotus flower you must take into account the climate, since it moderately resists low temperatures. This means that in summer it grows a lot, but in the winter season it dries up. In addition, another detail that you should also watch out for is pests, since the lotus flower is usually attacked by snails.

Once all these details have been clarified, the time has come to cultivate the lotus flower. You should file the tips of the seeds using a standard metal file.
To grow the lotus flower you must place the seeds in a glass of warm purified water, which you will have to change every day until your seeds germinate. If you’ve done it right, after the first day in water, your seeds should have grown almost twice their original size. Remember to change the water after your seeds have germinated.

When the lotus flower is about 15 cm long you should transfer it to another container. The process is much simpler than you think. Choose a suitable pot with a capacity of about 18 lt, where your plant has enough space to grow. Ideally , use a black pot that retains heat.
Fill your container with dense soil of about 15 cm, gently press the seeds and cover with a light layer of soil. Finally, you will have to put your pot in a shallow water pond of about 45 cm and with a temperature of 21º C.