Cinnamon for your Plants: Discover its benefits and notice how it improves your garden

Cinnamon can be a great protector and a great stimulant within the world of plants that you will not hesitate to use.

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Cinnamon works as a great natural fungicide, so it can become a powerful natural fertilizer for all kinds of plants.

Benefits of using cinnamon for your plants

1- Help your plants to root

Using cinnamon on our plants will make them take root quickly and safely. If you have been given a cutting or you want to form a new plant from one that we already have, cinnamon will be our ally to get a strong and healthy plant.

We just have to put a little cinnamon on the tip of the stem of our cutting and plant as usual, we will do the same if it is with a leaf.

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2- Natural fungicide

There is nothing better than using cinnamon as protection for your plants. It works as a powerful anti – insect fungicide, keeping mealybugs, aphids, flies and even ants away.

3- We will have a healthy garden

It has a fertilizing effect on all our plants, helping them to grow healthy and strong.

We advise you to first do a good cleaning in your garden by removing stems and dry leaves. Then we put cinnamon in the soil and let this powerful fertilizer act.

How to use cinnamon on our plants

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1- To help cuttings grow quickly

You need:

  • -10 g of cinnamon powder
  • -2 ground aspirin -500 cc of water


  • – We will put the cinnamon and ground aspirin in the water.
  • – Mix and let stand for 24 hours. After this time, we put the water discarding the remaining residues.
  • – Pour the water into a container with the cuttings and let stand for 3 hours.
  • -Finally, we put the cuttings in a pot.
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2- To fertilize our plants

The second way we can use it is by spraying it directly on the ground. Before doing so you should clean your garden, and if necessary, prune your plants. It is important to remove the leaves and stems that are not useful.

Also, we can use cinnamon sticks and make tea to spray the plants that need it the most.

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