9 succulents that you can reproduce in water and will not rot
The succulents are the plants most easy to propagate, you can do so by leaf cuttings or by division, but would you have imagined doing water?
Neither do I, but once I dared to do it I was fascinated with the results of this method because they grow fast and look prettier. In addition, they give a totally different touch to your home.
Graptopetalum (Leatherpetal)
This type of succulent has up to 18 different species and they grow in a rosette shape. Its growth rate is medium, that is, it may take several years to need a larger pot.
Echeveria imbricata
Its leaves are thicker, require exposure to full sun or partial shade, good ventilation and very well-drained soils. They are propagated by seeds, cuttings or leaves.
Crassulas (Pigmyweeds)
It has more than 620 species, and one of the great characteristics that crassulas have is that they are very resistant to the climate. Its colors can be of different shades: green, bluish or reddish and its flowers are red, white, yellow or pink.
Crassula perforata
It is recommended to water it moderately, wait for the soil to dry completely, since they are resistant to drought, but not to excess humidity.
There are more than 60 species, but the most popular is the garden zebra, which is characterized by having white lines on its leaves and also comes to flower, they are quite easy to grow and their requirements are minimal.
Haworthia cooperi
They are plants that do not require much care and in the spring time adorns their appearance with beautiful flowers.
Kalanchoe fedtschenkoi
It is an outdoor plant, although it can also be adapted indoors. This plant tends to grow sideways.
Sedum rubrotinctum
This plant can grow up to 20 cm in height, it needs to grow in environments with very good lighting or exposed to the sun, water it moderately.
Kalanchoe laxiflora
It is characterized by having elongated and branched stems that can reach 30 or 50 cm in height, I recommend you water it only when the substrate is dry enough to the touch.