4 uses of plastic bottles in gardening
Did you know that in the last 10 years we have produced more plastic than in the entire history of mankind? Taking beverage manufacturers as an example, they produce more than 500 billion single-use plastic bottles each year.

The data they share from Greenpeace is chilling, but what can we do as consumers? On the one hand, to considerably reduce the consumption of this type of non-recyclable products and, on the other hand, to give them a new use if we already have them at home.
1. As an irrigation system

With a simple plastic bottle, you can create two types of irrigation systems for your plants. These are perfect for when you’re not going to be home for a few weeks. Write down these ideas for the summer season.
2. As a scarecrow

If you have an orchard, surely you have suffered the action of some other bird or crow in the crops. Sometimes, they can even spoil them. Nowadays, you can use different ways to prevent these animals from approaching: using CDs, luminous strips, full-length scarecrows or the system we propose today: plastic bottles.
3. As a container to make cuttings without substrate

This idea seems great for the kids of the house to start learning basic aspects of gardening.
4. As bird feeders

In the market you can find a variety of very interesting bird feeders: wooden houses, meshes with tallow balls or dispensers.