How to look good in pictures – Posing tips
Everyone wants to know how to be more photogenic. Whether you’re trying to grow your Instagram or just want to know how to look good in pictures, there are certain tips and tricks you can use to make sure you always look your best. Posing for photos is an art these days, and it’s not just for super models and actors anymore. Take a look at how to look good in photos with these tips.
Lift your arms
Naturally, when we pose for a photo, we tend to leave our arms flat at our sides, but this can make you look awkward and uncomfortable and can also make your arms appear bigger than they are. Try posing with your hand on your hip to alleviate these issues.

Angle your shoulders
When you pose head on in a photo, you tend to look bigger. Turn your shoulders so you’re showing a thinner profile. You’ll look slimmer and the photo will be more flattering overall.

Occupy your hands
It can be awkward figuring out what to do with your hands in photos. Try holding a cup of coffee or handbag to relieve your hand of awkwardness. You can also use your hand to touch your face or hair. This is a more advanced move, but with practice, can look awesome!

Roll your shoulders back
You want to look as relaxed as possible in photos, and one of the best ways to do that is take a deep breath, relax and roll your shoulders back. This will make you look and feel more confident!

If you’re having trouble smiling naturally, ask the photographer to tell a joke or try to make you laugh. This will loosen you up and help you smile or laugh naturally to get the perfect shot.

Pose your hair
Your hair is totally part of your pose! If you have long hair and are wearing it down, consider whether you’ll have it in front of or behind your shoulders, or if you’ll have it all on one side or the other.

Posing and smiling for photos can take some practice, but using these tips will help you get the perfect shot! Below you can find more inspiration for some perfect pictures.