See how to clean burned oil for another use
Cleaning burned oil is not a dream, it is something you can make come true and use it once again, it is not recommended to use it to fry food, but you can make homemade soaps for example.

Now, if you want to clean up the burned oil that you used the last time you fried food, take note.
Some time ago, a lady asked me about cleaning the burned oil from the kitchen, because I wanted to give it a second use, but did not know what else to do with it.

Cooking oil can be used to make soap, candles, masks and more, all you have to do is clean it, rinse it and remove the bad smell.

To achieve the aforementioned, you must clean the oil very well, once it is cold make sure to strain it very well to remove the remains of food that remain in it.
Then add water to the oil and shake very well, let it rest for a whole day. The next day, bring the oil to a boil (after separating it from the water) and add orange or lemon peel.

The peels will remove the bad smell from the oil and it will be perfect for reuse. Other people recommend cleaning and rinsing the oil by boiling it with lettuce leaves.