Paracetamol trick to remove the burnt dirt from your iron -do it yourself
Did you iron your favorite shirt or blouse and it got stained ? Surely it is time to take action on the matter and do an exhaustive wash on the iron.

Now we explain how to remove the burnt from the iron with a paracetamol pill.
It should be noted that all appliances need maintenance to optimize their functionality at home. For this reason, cleaning experts share this trick with us to remove what is burned from your iron.
How to remove burnt from the griddle
- burnt iron
- 1 paracetamol tablet
- Tweezers

- Heat the oxidized iron on the highest temperature.
- Once it is very hot, take an acetaminophen tablet with tweezers.
- Rub the tablet over the rusty area.
- After rubbing the pad clean the iron with a cloth while the iron is still hot.
Note: If the stain is too marked you may need to pass another tablet over the surface.