Nurse gives tips to help a baby sleep and quickly goes viral

The arrival of a child can change your life giving it a radical turn in every way, but mainly at nap time. We know that being a parent is already a bit complicated, and that there are some tasks that make this role even more difficult, for example, putting the baby to sleep.

Some tips have recently begun to circulate on the internet so that this is no longer a problem for parents, especially for first-timers. In this article we will show you the best 10 tips to make a newborn baby sleep.

10 tips to put a newborn baby to sleep

Wrap it up: After being in such a confined space for nine months, babies are used to being suspended and held in the mother’s womb. Within the first four or five months of life, they have what is called the “startle reflex.” Young children feel like they are falling, causing them to jerk their arms or legs, often waking them up. They do this especially when going from drowsy sleep to light sleep to deep sleep, which of course is your goal.

White Noise: Similar to the wrapping that recreates the feeling of being in the womb, a little white noise can provide the same effect as the mother’s heartbeat, blood flow, and breathing. Many babies need this familiarity to fall asleep and stay asleep. You can try using a white noise machine that emits a soft quiet sound or repetitive sounds of nature, such as the gentle waves of the ocean.

A firm and quality crib mattress: A crib mattress is one of the most important components for a newborn baby. Soft mattresses will sag to the newborn’s head or face and increase the risk of suffocation or Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Whether it’s foam or an innerspring crib mattress, you’ll want to make sure it’s high-quality.

Shorten daytime naps: This tip is just for parents who feel like they’re not getting enough sleep at night. Because of work, eating, and other things that come up during the day, your body needs the night to catch up on sleep. If your baby is waking up several times and only sleeps 1-2 hours, it may be because he is sleeping too much during daytime naps. You can give yourself a better night’s sleep by waking your baby up before he spends more than 2 hours sleeping during the day. .

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Don’t mistake tip 4! Just because you blame your baby’s naps doesn’t mean you should intentionally keep your little one awake in hopes of a better night’s sleep. If so, it will actually work against you. When babies are tired, they get restless and anyone who has ever had a fussy baby knows how difficult it is to get them to sleep. And for the baby’s health, the more he sleeps and eats, the better.

Follow nature’s schedule: Nature ‘s cycle builds strong, smart babies. It gives them a full feeding time after waking up. Then, with that energy, he can play and learn. And when they get tired, they go back to sleep to rest. Following this pattern helps avoid the common association between eating comfort and sleeping comfort. This makes it more difficult to sleep because your baby will fall asleep during feeding time only to wake up when they are fed. (Don’t be afraid to feed your baby, she needs a little comforting and you want to encourage healthy weight gain, especially in the first few months.)

Maintain a routine: Babies need stability and predictability. The world is already too much for them, so fast. They are comforted by daily routine. For naps, repeat the same simple steps each time. Naps in the same place; prepare in the same way, closing doors and shutters. Bedtime may take longer, but you should follow the same order. For example, you can start with a bath, then feeding him, listening to music, and finally putting him to bed.

Be smart about when you change your baby’s diaper: If your baby wakes up in the middle of the night, you probably want to change his diaper before his desired feeding time. This way she won’t be woken up by a dirty and uncomfortable diaper after she’s done the work of swaddling the baby again after the night feed.

Don’t go to comfort your baby too quickly: If you do, you might actually end up waking him up when he’s just cooing, babbling, and even crying a little. He holds his breath for a moment to see if he really is awake before going to find him.

Try to get your baby to sleep independently: The trick is to put your baby to sleep when he is awake but still drowsy. This requires a light touch, a perfect rhythm and a little patience, but if you can make your baby sleep even after waking up.

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