Learn how to make these beautiful light jars with only 4 materials
Don’t you like to sleep completely in the dark? Some people have this peculiar fear, the problem is that keeping the light bulbs on not only generates a high cost in electrical service, but also affects the health of the little ones and ourselves. It will always be better to use homemade elements that can give us comfort in many aspects and we are going to teach you how to make luminous jars with 4 simple materials to obtain .

The ideal is to learn a little about each thing until you try which method or trick is more feasible for you, in the case of these jars you will not only sleep with a bit of brightness , but they also provide a unique style to your resting place.
First step: The materials

First of all, you will have to locate some Led bracelets that are sold in party stores. Make sure you have multiple colors.

Then get a glass jar, it can be mayonnaise , soda, compote, etc.

You will also need scissors, a piece of tulle fabric, and gloves . Once you have all these materials you proceed to make your luminous jar.

Remove the lid of the bottle and place the piece of tulle at the bottom of the container, after this, put on the gloves, cut the tip of the Led bracelet and stain the entire interior of the bottle with the fluorescent liquid .

You wait a few minutes and take another shiny bracelet of a different color and repeat the procedure to be able to seal everything . You shake your new homemade lamp well and turn off the light.