Japanese discipline: Tips for your children to be obedient and responsible
When it comes to raising children, the Japanese have a lot to teach us and it is enough to see a Japanese child on the street to know how well educated he is and how independent he is.
Not for nothing do these children walk to school alone from an early age. Isn’t that surprising?
But other great traits that these little ones have is that they are completely respectful and obedient to their parents and teachers.
If you have ever wondered what the secret of Japanese parents is, don’t worry, here we will reveal them to you so that your children are the dream of every parent.
Keep scrolling to find out more about it!
From an early age, children can get used to avoiding responsibilities. Something that is absolutely wrong, since in the future it will bring serious problems not only academic, but also personal and professional, since they will be unable to assume responsibilities and meet the goals set. And no one wants that for their child!

Many parents find it difficult to make their children obey and fulfill their duties, in fact.
They find it almost impossible to get them up early to go to school, make their bed, pick up toys, do homework or help with some of the household chores.
In Japan there is a parenting system called “ikuji”, according to which a child up to the age of 5 is God, from 5 to 15 he is a servant, and from 15 onwards he is an equal.
But many people take it literally: it seems that before they turn 5 they are allowed everything, and then everything is prohibited.
Actually, the goal of the “ikuji” philosophy is to raise a member of the collective society, where personal interests take second place.
It is a kind of stress, and Japanese parents seek to raise in such conditions a harmonious person who can find his place in the system without underestimating his own value.
In the first stage (“God”) they surround the child with unconditional love and support. In the second stage (“brought up”) this love does not go anywhere, but the child begins to actively learn to live according to the rules of society and seeks his place in it.
At the same time, the great attachment to his mother, formed in the first years of his life, greatly influences the child: he will try to behave correctly so as not to make her sad.
Interestingly, in Japanese schools not only education is given an important role, but also upbringing. There is no competition, no one is better or worse than the others.
To teach a child to live in a collective society, they must be taught what it means to see and respect the feelings and interests of others.
That is why Japanese women respect the sensitivity of their children very much.

They don’t pressure them, they don’t embarrass them, but rather they appeal to the emotions of the little ones or even non-animated objects.
For example, if a child breaks a stroller, a Japanese mom would tell him, ” The stroller is in so much pain that it wants to cry .”
A European mom would probably say, “ Stop doing it! That’s not right .” And she would add a lecture on how much she had to work to buy him that toy.
The Japanese do not claim that only their breeding methods are correct.
And Western values ultimately have a great influence on their traditions.
But the Japanese approach is based on calm, patience and a loving attitude towards children. And that is worth learning.
Source: Loultimo.net