How to REVIVE an almost dry FERN and how to take care of it, reproduce it and plant it
Among hanging plants, ferns are kings. Despite the lack of flowers, their shades, sizes and exuberance, make them a beauty. Some species are in danger of disappearing.
What are ferns?
Basically, they are a group of plants called vascular that are produced mainly by means of spores, describes an article from the Mexican Academy of Science. Due to their high decorative value, they are used for offices, departments or shops. However, there are some types of ferns like Adiantum pedatum and Asplenium bulbiferum that look great outdoors.

How to REVIVE an almost dry FERN
Step 1.
If you see your fern a little “sad” there are ways to revive it. To begin, remove the dry foliage by cutting it at ground level with a scissors or knife. The cut must be lateral or sloping.
Step 2.
Immerse the pot in a bucket with water and when bubbles stop coming out, remove it from the container and let it drain for 1 or 2 hours. Once the liquid stops coming out, keep your fern in a cool environment where new shoots appear.
How to care for, plant and reproduce ferns
There are several ways to reproduce this plant: spores, stolons and cuttings, the latter being the simplest and most effective.
Separate the cutting with its own roots and immediately move it to the place where you are going to plant it permanently, either soil or pot. Cover it with soil, but not pressure to promote drainage. This process you have to do in summer for a better result.
How to care for a healthy and vigorous fern
Tip 1.
The best area for your ferns to thrive is in shady areas, away from the sun’s rays but also from heat. It is a plant that does not suffer from the lack of light.
Tips 2.
They are species that love humidity, so it is essential that the soil is always wet. To do this, you just have to insert a finger and check if it is dry or not.
Tip 3.
To ensure its growth, water every 15 days, from March to April, fertilizer for green indoor plants. And regularly remove damaged, dark or short leaves.