How to reproduce the Poinsettia from a twig
The poinsettia is a shrub that grows very well outdoors and is easy to care for indoors. It has a flower that culminates it, and in general it is red, but you can also find it in white, yellow or pink.

Always keep in mind that depending on the country you live in, the temperatures will be opposite in certain months.
Next, we teach you how to reproduce poinsettia by cuttings and get new, large and healthy plants.
Option number # 1

- As a first step you should have your poinsettia plant well formed and grown.
- You will proceed to cut one of the trunks that come out of the substrate.
- Once you have the trunk, you will see that it comes with the flower and the leaves. Then, you cut the flower (trying to cut it above some knot).
- Regarding the short leaves, each leaf in half, that is, you will only have the half that is attached to the trunk, so you will have a trunk with leaves in halves.
- In a glass you put water, if it is from rain much better.
- Once you have the glass, you place the trunk and make sure that it is always covered by water. If the glass gets empty, you pour more water.
- Now you place the glass inside your house, but in a place that gives it light, not direct sunlight, and wait a couple of months.
Option number # 2

- You repeat the previous steps up to number 5.
- In this option, you are looking for a small pot or container to which you will have previously put substrate.
- You place sinking the stem and crush the upper part so that the substrate is well attached to the trunk.
- Just like the previous option, you must wait 2 months to notice changes.
- You water taking into account that you should never flood, because you can rot your plant.
- After 2 months, you will notice that the stem that you have placed in water has begun to put out its first and tiny leaves. For both cases, you will leave your plant for at least 2 more months and then think about a good transplant.

– Lighting:
This plant does not resist frost, so in cold seasons you must protect it. It also does not resist direct sun. For it to be fine, you should place it in a drier environment, with plenty of light and protected from drafts.
– Irrigation:
The best irrigation method is to place a plate in the lower part and every time you notice the dry substrate above, add water to the plate for 15 minutes. You will notice that your plant absorbs this water up to what it needs.
– Substrate:
As for the substrate, it does not need much variety. You just have to procure a good quality one and to which we can add perlite, and give it a fertilizer rich in potassium at least once every 2 weeks.
– Pruning:
The best time is winter, when you will notice that its leaves fall. Cut the stems or sticks in half. Then, you take the plant out of the pot and also cut the roots, about 2 cm from the base. In a pot we put substrate up to half and place our plant. We return to fill with substrate until the plant is covered.