How to remove warts naturally at home

Forget about the bad appearance that warts give, disappear them with these simple remedies.

Warts are growths on the skin caused by a virus and can vary in size and color; They usually affect the hands, skin and neck, although they can appear anywhere on the body.

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Stop feeling uncomfortable about having them, here we will teach you how to remove warts naturally

Although warts do not cause health problems or are cancerous, they can affect a person by their unsightly appearance.

1- Lemon juice: Dip a cotton ball in lemon juice and apply on the areas where you have warts, leave it for several seconds. Repeat this action for three or four times a day, the wart will dry, turn black and fall off.

2- Banana peel: Banana peel has salicylic acid, which will help dry out the wart like this: Cut off a piece of the peel and place the bottom part over the wart and secure with tape or a bandage. Use it before going to bed at night. Change the bandage once or twice a day and repeat the treatment until the wart is gone.

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3- Garlic: Crush a clove of fresh garlic and apply it directly on the wart, leaving it to act overnight and covered with a bandage. When you get up, remove the bandage, the garlic pulp and clean the area. Repeat this process until the wart dries up and falls off.2. Adhesive tape: This method is a somewhat long but effective process, try to place a piece of adhesive tape on the wart for a week, at the end of this time, remove the tape and moisten the wart with warm water for a few minutes, then with a nail file gently rubbed over the wart to remove dead skin. Repeat this process several days a week and in a few months it will disappear.

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