Cleaning the kitchen grates, without a doubt, is the most stressful part of the kitchen cleaning process, removing food residues, grease and different stains is an odyssey in which we invest a lot of time and money, but even that is not totally effective.

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Now, you will no longer have to scrub anything with a brush or suffer horrible odors from chemicals … And all thanks to the ingenious cleaning method that we will show you below:

You will need:

  • 4 zippered plastic bags.
  • Ammonia.
  • Container with sprayer.
  • Gloves.


Place the grids inside the plastic bags, spray them with ammonia and close the bags. Wait 20 minutes and then with the wearing protection gloves, rub the grates with a sponge.

Now that you know this effective cleaning method that will help you completely clean the stove grates easily and quickly, go ahead and try it and recommend it.

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