How to clean the bathroom: step by step for each part

To clean the bathroom you will need:
- Gloves;
- Chlorine or bleach;
- Detergent;
- Bucket;
- Sponge;
- toilet brush;
- Cloth;
- Broom;
- Squeegee;
- bactericide;
- Glass cleaner.
How to clean bathroom step by step
You decide where you want to start cleaning the bathroom. The ideal is to leave the floor for last, since you will have to come and go all the time. Below we separate the tips to remove dirt from each space in your bathroom:

Wrap a dry cloth around a broom and sweep around the corners near the ceiling to remove any dirt or cobwebs. If you have a vacuum at home, you can start by vacuuming the ceiling and walls.
For walls made of tile, prepare a bucket of water, bleach and detergent. Use a sponge to scrub the lower parts and a broom with a rolled-up cloth for the higher places. If the wall is masonry, mix only water and detergent.
Another tip for tiles is to use chlorine spray. Spray the product on the tiles, let it act for a few minutes and then scrub with the sponge or a broom/squeegee wrapped in a cloth.
To finish and avoid leaving the walls wet, a dry cloth can be passed along its entire length.
Shower or bathtub

The shower or bathtub also needs to be cleaned. First, turn off the power switch to the bathroom or shower itself and see if it is better to unclip it to remove dirt or use the bag technique (water and bleach mixture) attached to the object. If you want, you can check out our article on the subject , with specific tips for cleaning a shower.
For the bathtub and shower, mixing water, bleach and detergent can help. Scrub the entire bathtub and also the water taps. Rinse off with shower water and let the space dry by itself.

The bathroom sink can have as many bacteria accumulated as the toilet bowl, so it deserves special attention when cleaning. The same solution you prepared earlier, which mixes water, bleach and detergent, will be applied here.
Wearing gloves, wet a sponge and scrub the entire sink, inside and out. Important to remember that you should never use the sink sponge to clean the toilet. The right thing is to have one for each part of the bathroom: vase, sink, cabinets and walls + box.
Also scrub the faucet and water tap. Rinse with water from the sink itself and dry with a clean cloth, used only in this space in the bathroom.

The bathroom mirror needs a wipe to remove dust, leftover toothpaste, and anything else that may have fallen through. Glass cleaner can help with the task, but if you don’t have it at home, a mixture of water and detergent also works well.
Rub with the help of a soft cloth or sponge and finish with a dry cloth, to dry and shine.
It’s time to clean the toilet. This can be one of the most dreaded parts of cleaning the bathroom in the house. But take a deep breath. Separate the gloves, the toilet brush and some products such as bleach and those specific to the toilet.
Pour some bleach and let it act for a few minutes. Then use the brush and clean the entire inside of the toilet. For the exterior and top, the mixture you used in the sink and the rest of the bathroom can already help.
If you want more toilet cleaning tips, you can check out our full article on the subject .
The floor should be the last space in the bathroom to be cleaned, so you don’t have to go in and out of the space and step on the wet floor. Start by sweeping or vacuuming. Then, soak a cloth in the bucket in which you prepared a mixture of water and bleach.
Scrub all over the floor and let it dry on its own. Just leave the bathroom doors and windows open. If necessary, you can finish with a dry cloth, to make the floor less wet.
Cabinets should also have their dirt cleaned. Take a cloth (dry, you haven’t used it anywhere else in the bathroom) pour some detergent and soak it in water.
Run the cloth over the entire space. If it is very dirty, you can start cleaning with a soft sponge instead of the cloth. An old, small toothbrush can be used for the hardest-to-clean spaces, such as the corners of closets.
Keep the area ventilated
The bathroom should never be closed as it is a very humid place. After cleaning it is recommended to keep the space well ventilated, but also on other days, especially after showering.
Open windows, leave the door open and the exhaust fan on (at least until the bathroom feels less damp or smells bad).
Dry some spaces immediately
During cleaning, taking the rails out of the box, all other areas should be dried immediately. A rag wrapped around a squeegee or broom can help with the shower and walls. For the sink and outside of the toilet, just the cloth.
Keep the place tidy
Bathroom shouldn’t be a mess. If you want the cleaning to last longer, try to keep the place tidy. Leave clothes in the clothes basket, change the trash with some frequency and avoid leaving shampoos and conditioners scattered around the box.
Also take care of the cabinets. Toothpaste, cotton swabs, hair combs and everything else that is stored there should always be organized and not thrown around.
Clean at least once a week
Clean your bathroom at least once a week. It is necessary to focus mainly on the bath area, box, toilet and sink.
Before cleaning day, you can apply some products, such as throwing bleach or chlorine in the bathing area overnight (after everyone has taken a shower), pouring some product in the toilet (special detergents for the place) and also in the sink. Vacuum or sweep the space more times a week and change the rugs.