Homemade Powder soap with used oil
Interesting recipe to make at home Powdered soap with used oil, it is a powerful combination of these two ingredients among others, which result in a deep cleaning soap.

Without a doubt, it is a homemade solution that is more effective, very profitable and economical. Let’s go directly to the recipe:
- 1 liter of used oil
- 70ml bleach (to purify used oil)
- 150 grams of caustic soda (in flakes diluted in water)
- 50ml of concentrated fabric softener
- 3 tbsp. of Dye (the color to taste)
- 100ml 70% Alcohol
- 200 grams of sodium bicarbonate
- 300 grams Soap powder (any brand)
Preparation, step by step
- To start, we add the used oil to a container. But let’s remember that the oil should NOT have residues, it is best to strain it at least 2 times. One suggestion is: the first time we strain it, we do it with the strainer and the second time, we place a fine cloth over the strainer. The reality is that the cleaner we leave the used oil, the better quality our soap powder will be.
- Then we dissolve the caustic soda in a glass of water, we will leave it there for approximately 15 minutes. Remember, take this step with safety measures, such as gloves and glasses. The suggestion is to do it as a first step actually, while we go through the next steps of the procedure.
- Next step, add the bleach to the oil and mix well. We also add the caustic soda and stir carefully, always with the necessary care for about 5 minutes.
- When we observe a creamy texture, we add a 50 ml cap of concentrated fabric softener.
- Now mix well for a few minutes and add the 3 tablespoons of dye or dye.
- To finish, we add the alcohol little by little and continue stirring but always with great care for the soda. We will do it until it dries and the alcohol evaporates completely.
- When we see that the alcohol has finished evaporating, we remove it from the house and take it to where there is ventilation, leaving it there for about 3 hours. Likewise, we continue stirring from time to time to accelerate drying.
- Finally, when it has cooled down and the dough is dry, add the last ingredients. We incorporate the 200 grams of baking soda and the 300 grams of powdered soap, with the gloves on we begin to mix with our hands. It is recommended to do this with your hands until the ingredients are well incorporated.
- The action is to mix, crumble and little by little until you achieve a thick soap. Immediately, we pass it through a strainer until we obtain a soap free of balls and very similar to the one we buy in the supermarket.