Fibromyalgia: The disease of unexpressed emotions, know its symptoms

Our emotional states can favor all kinds of diseases: hypertension, cardiac dysfunctions or nervous disorders of different types.

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Different ailments can help not only transform our physical health, but also facilitate healing on a deeper level. The secret lies in discovering and understanding the messages contained in physical disorders in order to get to know ourselves and live better.

To understand this connection, we first have to recognize that the mind and the body are a whole; Normally, we consider the body as a “container” that accompanies us that we must take care of , and that when it is damaged, we must take it to the doctor to repair it.

Fibromyalgia is considered a controversial diagnosis, and some authors state that it should not be considered a disease due, among other reasons, to the lack of abnormalities in the physical examination, objective laboratory tests, or medical imaging studies to confirm the diagnosis.

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What exactly is fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia is the disease of unexpressed emotions. It is the result of an internal conflict that we have generated. The most affected organ is the liver, repository of contained emotions according to Traditional Chinese Medicine. He regulates the fasciae, muscles, tendons, ligaments, joints, veins and arteries, and sight. This organ is also in charge of the detoxification of all the toxins that make us sick, both external and internal.

What are the most common symptoms?

Fibromyalgia has a wide range of symptoms, the main one is generalized musculoskeletal pain, with stiffness and fatigue, which is accompanied by decreased concentration and memory, insomnia, irritable bowel, irritable bladder, headaches, anxiety, restless legs syndrome, chest pain, strong and painful periods, decreased vision, cramps, etc.

What kind of people suffer from it?

To be healthy we must align thought, ( emotions ) and acting ( action / word ). In fibromyalgia there is poor management of thoughts and emotions, because their energy is not released in action or through words. The action is repressed and the energy of thought and emotion is blocked in the form of tension, which manifests itself through pain and a wide variety of symptoms.

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Why are more cases found in women than in men?

The woman is more emotional and more practical. Her blocks are more emotional, while the man is more mental and theoretical. On the other hand, the factor that makes this disease possible is repression. There is no doubt that, in our society, from childhood, women are more subject to repression than men.

Is it curable or is it a chronic disease?

Health can be recovered if it is our will, we have the necessary information and we are willing to make changes from the globality of the human being. We need a great transformation of the way of thinking, feeling and acting, which generates a new healthy, free and happy person.

Watch this video to learn more about fibromyalgia symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment.

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