Easy crafts to do at home – Houses, Games and More!
When a child comes into our lives, he does so to turn it upside down. From his birth we must think with the security mode activated and with the maximum possible creativity (with the aim that his entertainment is not altered almost at any time). We have come to inspire you in decoration with a lot of ideas so that you do not spend a lot of money.
One of the first things we do when we have a baby is to change the decoration of at least one room in our home. The little one’s new room has to be perfect no matter how old it is. Therefore, it is not enough to change the entire decoration once. We will have to be constantly alert and adapt each corner to their age: they do not have the same tastes when they are two than when they are seven years old.
To make the child’s room comfortable and spacious, you have to strike a balance between what he likes, his needs and common sense.

Apart from his bedroom, we must adapt the entire house to the needs of the little ones. If we have a garden, we will have a wonderful canvas to exploit all our (and their) creativity. If we don’t have it, we can improvise one in the living room or in a room for toys.
Encouraging children’s creativity is a primary and elementary task when we talk about their correct development. We know that we cannot let you show off your art in any room of the house (sofas were never a good idea) but, with the help of objects that we no longer use and a little imagination, we can help you let your imagination fly .
We agree that investing in a good decoration for the room is, sometimes, an expense of extra money that not all of us can afford. For this reason, we will share with you these ideas with which you can decorate, redecorate and adapt the decoration of the entire house to the needs and mischief of the little ones. Why not turn your clutter into art?
Easy crafts to do at home. Houses, games and more!
Extra large pillow for reading stories

Can you imagine a pillow so long that we could lie on it to read? Well, the wish has come true. It is very easy to do, you will only need a double fabric long enough to be able to sew it as a pillowcase. We will make seams to accommodate a minimum of five individual pillows, leaving an opening with brackets to be able to put them in once finished. The result is great!
Infinity box

If you are tired of the little one painting anything in his path, we have the perfect solution. An infinite painting that you can also cut and save. An empty picture frame and a large roll of drawing paper will be all you need.
Summer cinema at home

A perfect idea for all houses with a garden. After sitting down to watch this summer movie, you will never want to sleep in the room during the summer again. The best thing about this idea? It is very cheap to get it!
Garden tables are a bit uncomfortable for watching a movie and lying directly on the grass is not the most comfortable thing in the world either. The solution? An inflatable pool full of blankets and pillows! To make the projector screen cover a white panel with a white sheet and put the project in front of it. They won’t move!
Very balanced swing

Do you have a little skater at home? Learning balance and turns with the skateboard will be very easy with this swing. You will only need an old skateboard and ropes long enough to hang them.
Cardboard igloo

What can be done with a bunch of cardboard triangles? A perfect igloo to shelter from the summer heat at home!
We have the solution for old wheels: Your own corner of the house!

Who said that old car wheels are thrown away? A good thorough wash and they will be the perfect seats to put in your room.
Outdoor blackboard

With the help of a huge chalkboard and a garden we can create the perfect canvas for your drawings. The best? They can erase and redraw as many times as they want.
Cardboard reading corner

A large enough cardboard box and a few cushions and blankets will be all the materials needed to create the perfect indoor reading corner.
The all-terrain table for the Lego

It has a magnificent workbench and all the necessary drawers to store the pieces once they don’t want to play with it anymore. To create the work table you will only need an extra-large Lego base where you can fit all your creations.