Does your child have an object he loves? Don’t take it away for this reason

Attachments are very common in young children and infants. They can be blankets or small toys. These objects provide emotional well-being to the little ones in the house, especially when they feel stressed, anxious or at any time they need to relax, for example, when it is time to sleep.

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Many parents think that when a certain age is reached, for example, if the child is over 3 years old, it is a good idea to remove the object of attachment. When it comes to a toy or blanket, is it necessary to take it off ? Better not do it. The time will come when your son decides not to use it anymore, because he will not need it.

Affective bond with the object of attachment

When a baby or child has an object of attachment, it means that they have established an emotional and emotional bond with that object. That object helps her calm down, and for that alone, it will be her favorite. It may be the touch of a tag on the doll, the feel of the blanket, or some other feature of the object that makes it so special to the baby or your toddler.

For example, a child who sleeps alone in his room may need a blanket as an object of attachment in order to meet his emotional needs for security and to feel more confident and prepared for sleep. In the absence of the presence of her caregivers or her parents in the bedroom, she needs that object of attachment in order to feel better and have emotional peace of mind.

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Why attachment objects are fostered

Not all cultures encourage attachments in babies, but if you go to children’s clothing stores you can find the typical baby blankets. This is so because in our culture the independence of children is encouraged from the time they are babies (such as when parents must separate from their babies earlier and earlier because they must go out to work to earn money and be within the established social system).

Babies at birth are totally dependent on their caregiver, without them they simply would not survive. But, not only the basic needs of babies are important, such as food, shelter, clothing, etc. They also have others that are just as important : the emotional needs for affection and direct contact with their main caregivers.

But, when babies or children need to be separated from their parents ( even if it is within the same household when they are separated, for example, by going to another room to sleep ), they will need to establish another temporary bond to satisfy that security and have that trust that makes them feel better. feel good. Babies and children who do not feel that they are separated from their parents early do not usually need objects of attachment because they do not lose a sense of security and trust before they are ready for it.

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It’s completely normal

When a baby or child has an object of attachment, it does not mean that they will have emotional problems in the future. It is a normal behavior that babies adopt due to the society in which we live, but it is only adaptive.

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