Do you know what isometric exercises are? They are perfect for strengthening buttocks and abdomen

Getting a marked abdomen is one of the goals of many women . But it is not an easy task. Most resort to traditional sit-ups which are not always the most effective.

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The answer lies in isometric exercises, which also benefit other areas such as the buttocks and back.

But what is isometric training like? It consists of maintaining muscle tension without generating any contraction or extension movement of the muscle. Normally the exercise should stop after about 10 – 15 seconds. With these we strengthen very specific areas of the body and improve performance without having to spend too much time on it.

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Among the many benefits of these exercises is the improvement of performance and muscle strength, it requires little time and you do not need specific sports equipment, in addition to how easy it is to carry out this sports activity.

It is important to mention that it is not a recommended practice for people with hypertension or cardiovascular problems.

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And what kind of isometric exercises can we practice? Start with a static squat against the wall to work the thighs, back and buttocks. Also, a static plank leaning on your arms, elbows or on the side to exercise the whole body; especially abdominals, obliques and arms. Another option is an isometric lunge perfect for showing off firm and toned legs and buttocks.

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