Psychologists discover that an ideal relationship can be built thanks to discussions

Have you ever wondered why couple arguments arise? It is quite common to have notable differences with the person we love, however, there are times when those same differences make coexistence impossible and the relationship ends. There are different ways that we can use to live in peace with our partner , the irony is that what would make the relationship save is precisely what bothers us the most: The arguments.

A group of psychologists carried out a very interesting study with 455 married couples who had relatively serious problems, they managed to determine what was the viable path so that they could all continue together without any future problems or, at least, that they had another option to face them without having to end the love they had. The result? The discussions.

Although these types of conflicts are quite annoying, in them we can make it clear what our annoyance is and indirectly we make known the solution to everything .

Giving up power could build an ideal relationship

It is not about being eternally submissive, simply managing the power in the relationship equally. It has been shown that both parties can feel threatened by an overly demanding person or by subjects who do not pay the attention they deserve, this reflects the idea that both should take a break and put themselves in the other’s place, a lo I feel, in fact, that was another discarded aspect to solve a couple conflict, neither wants to hear a ” sorry ” because the words are gone, the actions last.

When we feel threatened, not only in a love fight but in any field, we tend to end all kinds of existing bonds, it is a natural defense mechanism, but in this type of situation we have to act differently, opting for submission is the most accepted option in this study.

Couples who tend to argue build strong relationships

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As the discussion progresses we know the weak points of our partner, we know what makes them angry or calm down, that is another point in favor to end the discussion and take note of the things that bother our life partner . In order for everything to stay in order and be happy for a long time, they must not only share affection and feelings, but also power and control, so everything is kept in complete balance.

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