How to clean stainless steel appliances

Stainless steel appliances also need attention when removing dirt.

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Here’s how to clean:

  1. Soft cloth and water for light cleaning

If you keep cleaning stainless steel appliances frequently, you can only rely on a soft cloth dampened with water to remove dust, for example. Apply lightly, without rubbing hard and avoid any abrasive cleaning products.

  1. Neutral detergent and hot water for stains

If you notice any stains that are difficult to remove, you can use mild detergent mixed with hot water. Wet the soft cloth you used to clean the appliance and wipe it over the stain.

  1. Vinegar for Fat Stains

The previous step didn’t work and did you notice that the stain is actually fat? Put some vinegar on a cloth and rub just over the stained space. Then wipe with another cloth soaked in water.

  1. Dry after cleaning

When you finish cleaning the appliance, do not forget to dry it. It is recommended to use paper towels. But if you have a lint-free cloth at home, you can also bet on it.

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