8 Parental Behaviors That Prevent Their Children From Being Successful

Parents work hard to raise children who will be successful, but it is important to be aware of any parenting behaviors that may prevent children from reaching their full potential. In this article, you will discover 8 parental behaviors that may be unintentional, that can prevent children from being fully developed, prosperous and successful adults.

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Parents of all kinds can raise successful children, it is truly a level playing field and many stories have shown it. Even children who grew up in abusive homes can grow into amazing adults who go on to be outstanding artists, writers, teachers, athletes, scientists, philosophers, or leaders in whatever field they choose.

What makes a child successful is debatable, but we know that resilience is a key trait to possess as healthy adults and can be learned in childhood. Whatever you teach or don’t teach your children, be sure to help them learn to bounce back from minor and major setbacks, because they are an inevitable part of life.

Parents mean well, but they make mistakes, as we all do. Be kind to yourself if you make a mistake, but let your child know and use it as a learning opportunity.

8 behaviors of parents that prevent their children from being successful

Many people can remember the ways their own parents behaved that did not help them to be a successful adult. They may wish for a different childhood, but the guilt or shame that parents may unintentionally leave their children is not what any parent wants their own children to experience. Avoiding these 8 behaviors is important in leading children to success.

  1. Discourage trying new things
    One parenting behavior that can stop children from being successful is discouraging them from trying a new skill. Parents sometimes have the best intentions of restraining when they have a reasonable belief that their child will fail. However, failure is also a part of life and learning to deal with it in a positive way is important for success later in life.
  2. Consent a lot
    Doing any homework for your children that they are already capable of doing is parental behavior that prevents children from being successful. An example of over-consenting would be doing their laundry when they are teenagers (or even young adults).
  3. Praise little things
    Believe it or not, praising children excessively can prevent them from succeeding. Praising the little accomplishments that children have mastered is not going to motivate them to keep driving to achieve more and more. For example, praising an 8-year-old for dressing himself is not encouraging them to do this on their own without praise. Focus praise on significant achievements that children make, for example, in their educational performance.
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4. Discourage friendships
Researchers have studied maladaptive parenting behaviors, and found that positive outcomes for successful children included parents who helped their children create effective social networks. A strong social support system was helpful for children to be confident in times of uncertainty or stress.

5.Constant vigilance
Riding over a child’s every move is not only upsetting, it leads the child to an unfortunate conclusion: Mom and Dad don’t believe in my ability to succeed on my own. Unfortunately, this parental behavior leads children to distrust their own abilities and take fewer risks, even when they are able to do something on their own.

6.Overly strict behavior by parents
Research by University College London , found that the conduct of cruel parents , had effects on the level of self – monitoring of children, and that these effects lasted well correlated with behavioral problems later in life. Researchers say strict parenting predicts behavior problems for boys and girls. The level of self-control at 9 years old predicted behavioral problems and emotional difficulties at the age of 12 years.

The lower levels of self-control were the result of strictly monitoring children’s behavior and being overly restrictive in the limits given to children. It allows children, especially as they learn to manage their behavior within the reasonable limits they have already mastered, to experience increasing freedom is essential for them to be successful.

7.Discourage emotional expression
A healthy parent-child relationship is mutually beneficial, both for the child and for the adult. A balance of give and take in an early relationship is one of the best predictors of childhood success. To build this connection, an honest discussion of frustrations, worries, and things that bother you can help children learn about negative emotions and how to deal with them without suppressing them.

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