5 Reasons not to pressure your child all the time (it won’t make them more responsible)

As adults , it is often natural for us to believe that “ we do everything the right way ”. To tell the truth, and due to numerous anthropological factors , the centrist adult society is the majority globally , but that does not mean that all its details are feasible for child development .

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A very noticeable example is time management . On a general level, pedagogues agree : young children live in the present and there is no more .

Children should go at their own pace and enjoy their emotional processes , even when talking about responsibilities .

Next, we show you 5 reasons not to pressure the little ones all the time and educate them in the correct way .

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– They will only stress
Unlike adults , children learn to organize themselves better when they only have short-term goals and when they are not pressured . The fact of instilling in them that the world is chaotic all the time will only dull their way of thinking and generate stress .

– They will have difficulty setting priorities
Even if the child is going through a difficult time , he may put it off or repress it to attend to “ everything that is urgent for others ”. This will not only lead to frustration , but he will grow up with the feeling that her care needs do not matter because ” he must put other people’s time first “.

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– You instill “ forced ” qualities
In other words, you can’t ask a child to hurry up to put on his tennis shoes when, perhaps, he still has difficulty fastening the laces . You should always ask yourself if you are acting your age .

– You make it difficult for him to be independent
A little added to the previous point , is that many parents want to ” save time ” doing things for their children . For example: putting on his shoes instead of waiting for him because “ there is a rush ”.

Over time the child will get used to it , so do not expect him to learn simple things on his own if you are constantly doing them for him .

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– Incidentally , you will also become “ anxious ”
If you’re rushing your child all the time , you’ll get used to giving yourself an extra mental load . It will be something bad for the temperament of both .

Lighten the mental load and think that there are more solutions for someone who ” is a little late ,” at least there are more in those cases , than in people who live in constant stress of being on time .

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