10 very original ideas that can not be missing in your baby shower
As everyone knows, baby showers are a very special moment in the life of any future mother, because it is the moment in which the arrival of the baby is anticipated, making a celebration to house this baby in the world. It is very common that in this celebration different games are played to find out how much the future mother knows about the care that she should provide to the baby, always from a fun and playful perspective. In addition, the guests bring gifts for the future baby, and the most common thing is that they finish giving what the mother lacks for the baby.
For a long time, a Baby Shower has been celebrated before the birth of a baby. baby. The idea of this party is to decorate the whole place with many beautiful details to spend a special moment. It is very important that to start choosing the ideas you must be clear about the sex of the baby, if you do not know it you can use neutral colors that can be adapted to both sexes.
1- Guest signing book

Do not let your guest book be the typical classic and boring. You can welcome your guests in a different way, turn signatures into a little other piece of art. For example, this mural of notes in the form of bodys hung with clothespins. It will look great!
2- Healthy Snacks

Do you want your party to have something edible, original and healthy? Then opt for fruits or vegetables. Its shapes, colors and flavors will allow you to create appetizers such as skewers and fountains. Even this watermelon in the shape of a baby carriage. It is an ideal option to offer as a centerpiece to your guests: cut the top of a watermelon to make the shape of the basket, empty all the meat of the watermelon fill the hole with your favorite fruits.
3- Balloon centerpieces

One of the first centerpieces that we want to show you is this one made with a few balloons, placed in a box that represents a cube of children’s letters. A good idea for a baby shower centerpiece, in this case to receive a boy (due to the blue color of the letters and the balloons) and that we can make ourselves with a small box, some paper and, Of course, some balloons.
4- Centerpiece with diapers

The centerpieces of baby showers are almost always made of diapers, just like the one we see here. In fact, a center like this is usually placed, so that it can later serve as a kind of cake or cake for the baby shower. It is also a great gift for the future mother if we take into account that being made with diapers, she will allow her to use the diapers later.
5- Centerpiece with sweets

Now I will tell you about the importance of sweets in a baby shower, to decorate and to serve on the table, but we can also use them as a centerpiece. Thus, we will get a center as special as the one you saw in the photo above, with all kinds of sweets.
6- Dessert table
You can put on a table many cupcakes, donuts, mini cakes or any dessert you can think of

7- Candy Table:
Or if you prefer you can have a table with only sweets:

8- Original drinks
For drinks you should also take into account this idea in the form of baby bottles, it is simply great:

9- Games and fun

Are you planning to reveal the gender of your baby at your baby shower? You can play with the guests to guess it. When your friends arrive at the party ask them what they think the sex of the baby is. A fun way is choosing a woman’s lips or a mustache. Depending on the complement they choose, they will be saying their opinion. When the time comes to give the big news, you can award a special gift to those who have guessed right, it will be fun!
10- Game «Forbidden to say the word «baby»
This fun game is very typical of baby showers. When your guests arrive at the party, give each of them a pin decorated with a diaper, for example, and tell them they can’t say the word “baby” for the entire party.
When someone hears another person say this word, they will steal the pin and whoever gets the most pins wins . It can be a lot of fun!
We hope you like all these ideas and that they serve you for your next baby shower. Don’t forget to like our page to see more:
Source: Enfeminine