10 Uses for Coffee Grounds in the Garden

If you’re a fan of filter coffee, you’re probably in the habit of throwing your coffee grounds in the trash.

Coffee grounds can help you take care of your plants. Before putting it away for use, keep in mind that you should first let it air dry or on a plate in a slightly warm oven. Once dry, slip it into a bag and store it in the freezer. It will be ready to use after 3 hours.

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Here we show you 10 economic, ecological and practical tips to use ground coffee in your garden.

1- To keep pests away

If your vegetable plants and flower beds are a favorite target of slugs you can use coffee grounds as a natural repellant. To do this, sprinkle around your plants. Its strong scent will also repel ants, aphids, nematodes, and flies. Don’t forget to spread it again after heavy rains, and place it around young seedlings to prevent pests from eating them.

2- To activate the compost

If you have a vermicomposter to sort your organic waste, all you have to do is add coffee grounds. An ingredient that worms especially like because it facilitates the digestion of the organic matter in the compost. Earthworms are also sensitive to caffeine and break down these plants more quickly when you put coffee grounds at their disposal.

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3- To repel cats

To prevent your cat from nibbling on your plants, sprinkle the leaves with coffee grounds mixed with a little water, or place a little at the foot of your plantations. The smell will be strong enough to repel him, especially if you add a little orange or lemon zest and peel.

4- To enrich the soil with nutrients

Coffee grounds are an ideal fertilizer to provide nutrients to your crops and improve soil structure. It acts as a natural fertilizer rich in nitrogen and gives your beautiful plants everything they need to grow. Sprinkle the coffee grounds at the base of your young shoots or incorporate directly into the soil.

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5- To prepare liquid organic compost

To make your own homemade fertilizer, start by taking ground coffee out of the coffee pot filter, and then pour 2 liters of water into a large container. Mix for a few seconds and reserve for 1 or 2 days in a dark and cool room. After 48 hours, strain the brew to recover the coffee grounds and pour the remaining solution into a spray bottle. It can be used as a natural fertilizer to water your plants.

6- To attract worms

Coffee grounds attract earthworms in charge of transporting them underground. Sprinkling it on your soil provides nutrients to your plantations and also serves as food for earthworms. This species of earthworm plays an important role because it promotes soil aeration through its movements.

7- To grow your tomatoes

If all fruits and vegetables do not tolerate coffee grounds, the tomato is one of the plants that benefit from this fertilizer. Spreading coffee grounds on the roots of this summer vegetable will help you get beautiful red tomatoes thanks to the acidity of its ingredient. You can even add some eggshells to enrich the soil. In addition, it is the ideal alternative to chemical fertilizers.

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8- To prevent slipping on driveways in winter

If growing vegetables is not your interest, this advice is for you. In fact, coffee grounds are not only used to optimize plant growth. Also, it is an excellent ecological substitute for salt to avoid slipping on icy roads in the winter. In addition to being environmentally friendly, coffee grounds act in the same way as this seasoning. On the other hand, it prevents the increase in the salinity rate of water and soil, and therefore the deterioration of ecosystems.

9- For growing mushrooms

If you enjoy having your own garden, you will be delighted to discover this trick. And for good reason, it allows you to grow delicious mushrooms using a natural and inexpensive method. You need ground coffee and mycelium ( vegetative part of the fungus ). Once you have the ingredients on hand, fill a bag with them and place them in a warm, dark place for 3 weeks. After this time, take the bag outside and start watering it to retain moisture. The first mushrooms should start to appear after about 10 days.

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10- To clean your wooden fences

Ideal for easily getting rid of mosquitoes, coffee grounds are also an excellent cleaner for wood maintenance, preserving its color and removing small scratches that ruin the surface. If you have a garden shed or wooden fences that you want to clean naturally, just mix equal parts white vinegar, water, and ground coffee in a bowl, and let sit for 1 hour. Then soak a cloth with this mixture and apply directly to the boards. Simply rub for a few minutes to restore their shine.

Warning: Coffee grounds can be very useful for your garden, but remember that they are not suitable for all plants. Start by using it in small doses and see if it has a positive effect on your plants. As with any natural ingredient, moderation is essential to avoid counterproductive effects in your garden.

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