10 mistakes parents make when raising their children
When faced with the education of a child, numerous doubts arise. The day to day in a house with children is not easy, and that is why it is normal to make mistakes. Stress, fatigue, lack of time, tension, etc., are the worst enemies faced by parents with young children when it comes to educating them.
Educating a child is not an easy path; It is a complicated task in which parents often make mistakes. Children must feel important and loved by their parents, but they must also set limits well and encourage autonomy to develop their personality from an early age. It is essential that the time that a father dedicates to his children is given 100%, and that the child feels loved and important.
To avoid the most recurrent mistakes when educating a child, we expose a series of behaviors that must be avoided

1- Avoid overprotecting them: No matter how small the child is, they have to cultivate and explore their own autonomy. On many occasions, parents tend to overprotect their children for fear that something might happen to them. Within certain limits, the child must be given freedom to develop her personality.
2- It is very important to listen to children: On many occasions, parents refuse to listen to their children. It is very common that during a fight the parent prevails and does not let the youngest expose her point of view. In a tense situation, try to remain calm and give the child the floor and listen to him.
3- Do not fall into comparisons: It is common for parents to compare their children with other children, be it with siblings, cousins or friends. These comparisons should be avoided by all means as each child is different. The only thing that comparisons can lead to are self-esteem problems and insecurities, both in children and in parents.
4- Getting children used to doing everything for them: This error goes along the lines of super protection. A scene that occurs in many houses is to go after the children picking up everything they leave in the middle. Well, this practice can be harmful since when the child reaches an age in which he is capable of performing certain tasks, these actions must be delegated to them. For example, making his bed, clearing the table, tidying his room, can be simple tasks that will benefit the child’s autonomy and the family relationship.
5- Many times we yell at children: This is one of the most common mistakes parents make when educating their children. The tension generated by many situations makes parents lose their temper and start yelling at their children. On these occasions you have to try to be patient and talk to the children in a serious and direct way, but without yelling at them.

6- Lack of communication between parents and children: Day-to-day life often leads to ignoring a fundamental issue in the enrichment of the parent-child relationship. It is very important to keep communication alive with our children to get to know them and thus be able to understand them better.
7- Parents are not colleagues of their children: Another mistake that many parents fall into is trying to be “colleagues” of their children. Parents are not friends of their children, they are their parents, their educators, the people who love them most, but they do not have to be their friends. The relationship between parents and children should be based on sincerity, closeness and love. The authority of the parent and the role of the child must be clearly marked in this relationship.
8- Compensate children with material things: Many parents feel guilty for not dedicating the necessary time to their children or for giving them an excessive and unfair scolding. In these cases, many parents try to compensate their children with material gifts. It is falling into a very serious mistake since the child is going to relate this attitude to that compensation and that should not be the case. What the child needs is attention and affection and that must be guaranteed by his parents.
9- Children do not think like us: Parents often think that children are adults and, therefore, think as such. This is not the case, children do not reason the same as adults, so it is very important to always put yourself in the child’s place and try to understand her world and his reasons and forget about all the prejudices that adulthood brings us.
10- Do not say ‘ I love you ‘: Many parents have a hard time saying I love you to their children. We must not let the daily routine take us away from affection with them. The show of affection is always fundamental to reinforce their self-esteem and the bond between parents and children.
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Source: Levante-emv