10 Cabin Style Country House Ideas

We are going to start off with all of these amazing cabin style cottage options by talking very specifically about cabin style homes.

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Which have very specific characteristics that we probably will not find in other variations of this type of house. For example, we talk about cabins when we have in front of us a 100 % natural, warm, cozy construction, and where rustic materials predominate in general.

Cottage style homes

It really doesn’t matter where you’re going to build cabin-style homes, they can be found just about anywhere. As long as it is surrounded by nature to give strength to the construction.

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Modern country houses

The following cabin-style country houses that we want to talk about on this occasion refer to modern country houses. Many of us have the mistaken idea that to achieve a house in the country it has to be 100 % rustic, old, classic or traditional.

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You can get any style of home you have in mind, but respecting the basics of the country or cabin-type houses that we want to achieve.

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Interiors for cottage-style country houses

Something that is rarely talked about whenever we share designs or facades of cabin-style country houses. We are going to take into account different aspects to consider when designing interiors for cabin-type country houses.

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That is, to connect in a certain way the style and decoration of the exterior of the house, with the interiors for cabin-type country houses.

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Cabins with fireplace

One of the details that most come to light, both on the facades and in the interiors of cabin-style country houses, are the chimneys.

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We could not leave out of this topic of the best cabin-style country houses, mentioning all those coatings that are more than perfect for when you want to get a house with a lot of personality.

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For cabin-type houses, some of the best coatings that you can consider are brick coatings, stone coatings in different styles and types of wood, concrete or polished cement coatings, among many other types of coatings.

Cottages with Fireplaces

When it comes to elevating the design of the house we live in to the maximum, it could be said that there is nothing better than considering adding a fireplace.

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As for interiors, these cabin-style country houses with a fireplace will give your spaces a lot of personality.

Cottages: Two-Story Designs

If you want to take care in the design of this type of cabin-style country houses, you can think of two-story designs that will give all the personality in the world to your dream home.

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Both inside and out, so take inspiration from these two – story designs where we see details like wainscoting, large windows and tile roofs.

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Cottages: Small Designs

Here we are going to share with you different small designs, which, as you can see, have everything to help you give it the personality that every house needs.

Besides that with these small designs you will realize that it really does not take much or a very large house to be able to achieve this style and at the same time incorporate all the details.

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Cottages: Terrace Designs

We propose these examples that are designs with a terrace where you will have one more space in a house that has everything to make it a much more welcoming house.

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Having designs with a terrace makes it a lot of possibilities to spend moments with family, friends, partner, etc. These types of spaces can not only be used to rest, but also for social gatherings.


Colors for country houses

We finish all these options of the best cabin-style country houses speaking in very broad terms of a subject that is also the most important when seeking to achieve a certain style of housing.


So that regardless of the size or style that your cabin-style house is taking, consider these colors for country houses. For example, warm colors in general, neutral colors, white houses with natural details, and white houses with shingles.


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