25 Questions to find out how your child did at school

There are children who love to tell how their day at school was, and without you asking them they will tell you everything that happened to them and their friends.

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On the other hand, other children find it very difficult to talk about their day-to-day life, and when you want to inquire they will answer you with a monosyllable.

It is very important that you know how your child is doing at school, not only from an academic point of view, but also in his interpersonal relationships. If you don’t know how your child is doing at school, you won’t be able to give him the help he needs if he is being bullied.

The good news is that there are different ways to know how your child is doing in school without resorting to the classic question that they usually answer laconically.

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-How to ask your son how was his day at school?

  1. What was your favorite thing to do today at school?
  2. Who would you have preferred not to play with at recess?
  3. What was the best thing that happened to you today at school? And the worst?
  4. If you were the teacher, what would you have done today and what would you not have done in class?
  5. Who could you have been nicer to today in class? Why didn’t you go?
  6. What would you have liked to do or learn today at school?
  7. If you could have moved someone in your class today, who would you have moved? Why?
  8. What did you find the most boring of the day?
  9. Tell me something funny that happened to you today.
  10. If you could have chosen, who would you have liked to sit with in class today? And with whom would you not have liked? Why?
  11. If I called your teacher now, what would he tell me about your behavior in class today?
  12. Did you help a colleague today? How?
  13. Has a colleague helped you today? How?
  14. Tell me something interesting that you learned throughout the day.
  15. Did you do something to make you happy today?
  16. Of the things you did today, what would you have liked not to do?
  17. Who did something fun in class today? Why did you find it funny?
  18. Would you have liked to play with someone at recess today, someone you’ve never played with?
  19. Would you rather someone in your class hadn’t come today? Why?
  20. What class did you like the most today?
  21. Tell me something positive that happened to you today.
  22. What did you play today at recess?
  23. What has been your favorite part of the meal?
  24. Has something sad happened today?
  25. If you could delete something that happened today, what would you delete?

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