When you see a hummingbird, a loved soul came to visit you

When a hummingbird appears in a garden, it tells us that the souls of those we love are fine.

My grandmother use to prepare a glass with water and a lot of sugar, because that’s what hummingbirds like to drink.

A Guaraní legend tells that death is not the end of life, since when man dies, he leaves the body on Earth but the soul continues its existence.


The legend says that the soul is detached and flies to hide in a flower waiting for a magical being. Then, it is when the ‘mainimbú’ (Guaraní name of the Hummingbird) appears, and collects the souls from the flowers, to guide them lovingly to Paradise. This is why it flies from flower to flower.

Formerly it was believed that the hummingbird came from a fairyland and whoever has the pleasure of contemplating it today will not be far from saying the same.

The Hummingbird inhabits all of America but especially in tropical areas. There are different species: The Cuban sunsún does not reach 5 centimeters in length and is the smallest bird known.

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The nest is tiny like its owner. It is the size of a walnut; when it flies, its wings vibrate at an incredible speed and it is impossible to distinguish them. As he absorbs the nectar it appears as if his body is suspended in midair.

If you see it, be happy, because it is said that when a hummingbird or hummingbird approaches a house, it is a sign that there will be pleasant visits and that a soul will be lovingly guided to paradise.

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