Trick to clean the stove burners and leave them like new

We have thousands of things to do throughout the week, so we may not have enough time to stop to clean certain things, until it is too late.

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Stovetop burners are one of those things that you either clean on the spot or grease and grime take over. That is why we show you this trick that will help you clean the stove burners easily and quickly.

You need:

Kitchen paper
Sodium bicarbonate
As you can see, this stove was quite dirty and the grease had practically taken over it. Normally it would have taken a long time to get it looking like new, as well as using various products and letting the stains soak in for a long time.

Dirty kitchen with grease

After a first pass, as we normally would, the kitchen still looked dirty, especially the burner area.

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And this is where the magic begins: fill 1/2 cup with baking soda and add hydrogen peroxide to create a paste. When you have it, distribute it over the most difficult stains and let it act for a few minutes, before starting to rub with the kitchen paper.

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If you see that there is still a stain, do not hesitate to put a good amount of paste directly on the stain and let it act for a few minutes, although in principle it should be enough. In a matter of minutes your stove will be like new.

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