The innovative wedding rings that include GPS

A new alternative for the spouses has been known recently, it is nothing more and nothing less than rings with GPS included.

These innovative wedding rings incorporate GPS, so that in this way, the spouses can know about the location of their partners at all times.

Part of the innovation of the famous smart jewelry
What smart jewelry is looking for is to mix luxury with the most recent technological advances. Although for many users these GPS wedding rings may be the ideal alternative, for many others it can be an indicator of possessive and controlling behavior in marriage.

Thus, the opinions are quite varied, so the use that is usually given to this curious invention depends greatly.

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Where did these GPS wedding rings come from?

These innovative rings are said to have originated in Brazil , being manufactured by a company called Boyfriend Tracker . These rings often work or sync up through something called ‘alliances’, where couples sync up their rings with each other through a code that allows them to recognize their locations.

Also, these rings have temperature sensors capable of detecting when people stop using the ring. In this way, the time, moment and place in which said accessory was stopped being used can be recorded.


Among some of the benefits that these wedding rings with GPS included are said to have, are the following:

  • Know the location of the spouse at all times.
  • In the event of theft or loss, as these ‘alliances’ are synchronized they can be located exactly.
  • They are aesthetically appealing as well as luxurious, making them an ideal wedding gift.
  • According to its creators, the idea is not to give away couples, its intention is to help in case of disappearances or kidnappings.

As far as the price of these rings is concerned, they can be obtained from $350 and up. So different factors depend, such as the materials from which they are made. Likewise, the stones that are embedded will give them a greater or lesser value.

This new trend of mixing technology with luxury items is apparently doing very well.


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