Learn to make Bird Houses with Milk Cartons
We will enjoy a well-deserved rest with the family, but above all, spending time with the little ones in the house is a blessing.

That’s why we bring you a special craft for kids:

As you can see in the images, the materials and tools that we will need are very easy to get, and surely you have them at home.

We start by painting the milk cartons white, and decorating them as they like best. In this case, it has been painted as if it were a real house, with a roof, its tiles painted with permanent marker, etc.

We add a side opening, a front hole so that the birds can enter, a stick so they can lean on, and if you want to hang it, you can add a small rope to tie the birdhouse to the tree.

But how about leaving this little house at home and decorating the children’s room? For that, we can make some little birds with the surprise chocolate eggs , a tweezers and some pipe cleaners for the beak.

And this is the result, some beautiful birdhouses that you will love. Dare to do this craft together with your little ones.