Learn to grow grapes at home, it’s easier than it seems

It is becoming more and more common for people to grow different types of fruit at home, as it is a way to give freshness to our home and save some money by growing our own food. The best time to grow the grape is in winter, until the first days of spring. If you are not in this period it is better that you wait until then.

Growing grapes is very easy, in fact you can plant them and harmonize them depending on the type of climate where you live. Keeping your plant under the necessary care will make its fruits even more delicious than those you can buy in the market, since they do not suffer from industrialization and the effects of chemical components.

Learn to grow grapes from your own home, the best option:

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Although the grape is one of the few fruits capable of adapting to a wide variety of soils and climates, if you want your crop to be successful, it is important that you know for sure what is the best type of grape for your area.

Once you have the seeds, you must:

-Clean them with water at room temperature.
-Place them all in a glass of water (200 ml).
-Separate the seeds that float and discard the others.
-Let them soak in the glass of water for at least 24 hours.

Time to cultivate:

Once the seeds have been selected, you should find a container or pot with fertile soil where it can be grown.
-Drill 3-4 nearby holes into the ground.
-These should be at least 10 centimeters (4 inches) deep.
-Place a couple of seeds for each hole.
-Fill the holes with earth, without pressing it too much.
-Water the soil immediately.

The first shoots:

The plant will begin to sprout 6-8 weeks after cultivation, so be patient.
When they’ve grown 3 inches (8 centimeters), you’ll need to transplant them into a larger container.

From the pot to the ground:

When the plant has reached 12 inches (30 centimeters), it will be time to transplant them into your garden. However, before doing this, do not forget to:

-Make a cleaning of the land that is going to be used, to remove any trace of impurities that may be in the land.
-Loosen the soil, in this way the plant will be able to grow without difficulties.

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Once the land is prepared, you will have to:

-Make a hole about 40 centimeters (16 inches) wide and 40 centimeters (16 inches) deep.
-Transplant carefully and fill on top with fertile soil.
-The support for the plant

This plant is known to be a climber, so you must make sure that it has a firm support so that it can grow without problems.

In its first year of life, it will be enough for you to use a couple of wooden stakes or some metal rods. You will have to tie it to these so that it grows as straight as possible.

When stakes and rods aren’t enough, consider building a trellis or fence where it can be extended.

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