Learn how to use baking soda to have longer and stronger nails

Keeping nails completely clean and healthy is a somewhat complicated situation, because when doing housework we use chemical products that tend to adhere very easily to them and can cause stains or stop their natural growth, causing they are becoming more fragile, for this reason, we will provide you with a recipe based on baking soda, which will help you to show off long and strong nails.

This incredible remedy will be able to eradicate all the fungi that can originate in your cuticles and will make your nails healthier than ever. On the other hand, baking soda not only serves to combat these types of problems, but also combats other conditions that we will mention later.

This amazing remedy will make your nails grow fast

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You will need these ingredients:
– Moisturizing cream
– 1 tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide
– 2 tablespoons of baking soda

To carry out the preparation of this recipe, you need all the ingredients that were mentioned above, once you have them, pour them into a container and stir until you eliminate the lumps that may form from this mixture, next to this, the apply to your nails with the help of a cotton ball and let them act for approximately 3 minutes, then remove it with plenty of water. At the end of this phase, you spread a little moisturizing cream on your hands, to have optimal results.

These are the benefits that baking soda brings to your nails

This compound has the ability to eradicate the yellowish coloration that nails adopt and also eliminates stains and infections caused by fungi. It also allows them to grow healthy in a short period of time. If you want to see fast and effective results, you must comply with this treatment every 15 days for three months.

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Baking soda also has other uses

Drinking water with a little baking soda will relieve your stomach pains and help neutralize the acids that are activated in the stomach when you digest.

Thanks to its antibacterial properties, it eliminates all kinds of bacteria, viruses and microorganisms found in your body and, if you have the flu with phlegm, it will help you expel all the mucus from your respiratory system.

It is an excellent antiseptic, therefore, it eradicates fungi and relieves itching in cases of insect bites.

It is an incredible toothpaste, as it helps eliminate all the bacteria that are in your mouth, fights bad breath and leaves your teeth sparkling.

If you combine lemon with baking soda and spread it on your underarm area, it will eliminate bacteria, help slow down sweating, and you will be able to lighten this area.

Being an antiseptic, it fulfills the function of cleaning impurities, especially acne and blackheads, as it neutralizes fat and removes everything that damages the skin.

If you comply with all the advice that we gave you above, you will be able to see fast and efficient results. Share on all your social networks!

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