Learn how to fix a damp wall without spending a lot of money
When it comes to remodeling your home or office, you should always take a series of precautions so that everything is in order and totally professional, especially when it comes to painting the walls. Sometimes it is possible that you find yourself with a damp wall and in general they tend to reject the paint you use, for these cases today we bring you some special tricks so that you can do a phenomenal job without much effort. In general, buildings and apartments are the buildings most prone to leaks and water infiltration.
There are times when no matter how many times we paint a wall, it is, for some reason, damp and it is very difficult to find the problem and eliminate it to avoid contracting respiratory diseases and getting problems in the future, because humidity brings with it the proliferation of bacteria, mold, insects and rodents. Fortunately, you can combat this situation by following these steps.
Learn how to paint your damp wall

First of all, it is necessary to identify the main problem, that is, the filtration that causes the humidity. You’ll have to remove the leak before painting, but if it’s not that, just a random stain, use a waterproofing paint and proceed with your work.
Now, if you discover that the stain was created by having traces of old paints, you must remove them with the help of a spatula.
On the other hand, make sure that in rainy weather, the water does not penetrate the small natural openings in the walls or the ceiling and ensure that there is good ventilation in those spaces because the heat also damages the facade of the wall that you intend to paint.

It is advisable to re-cement the affected area so that the barrier remains firm and does not collapse in the future.
Before starting to paint, take into account disinfecting the wall with chlorine or hydrogen peroxide, in addition, the ideal is to apply a paint that is anti-humidity, for example, rubber ones. Many people recommend chlorinated rubber because it has fungicidal qualities. If you get it, spread it on the wall with the help of a thin brush or a special roller and try not to use too much paint because it can leave bulging areas.
You should always remove moisture and not camouflage it

At first, camouflaging this situation may seem much easier than ending the problem, but in the future the consequences can be really severe, not only for the aesthetics of the wall, but also for your health. There are many cases of people who do not combat humidity and the affected wall ends up completely damaging the surface. These are some general recommendations to avoid humidity in the walls.
- You can place a thin layer of soil with polyethylene on the ground where the affected wall is located.
- Make sure that the foundations of the home or office are at a considerable distance from the unevenness.
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Source: Emmy Magazine