Learn how to easily remove grease from kitchen cabinets
Those parts that will store the fat from our hands while we cook are the kitchen cabinets. We have a natural solution to leave our kitchen spotless.

Removing grease from the kitchen is easy and practical, and it does not mistreat the wood or other surface, and neither your hands.
You only need these ingredients to make your own pasta to remove that fat.
First method to remove grease from cabinets
We’ll show you how to make your own natural kitchen cabinet grease remover without damaging the wood or your hands.
You will need to:
1 part vegetable oil
2 parts of Sodium Bicarbonate
Small brush to carve the area well (a toothbrush is perfect)
A cloth or paper that serves to stop there all the paste that is falling while you carve
Mix the ingredients well and form a paste. Carve well with the brush until the fat is removed. You can try as many times as necessary to remove the dirt according to the accumulated amount.
After carving, wash well with a damp cloth to remove excess paste. You can see in the image below a before and after the use of this effective method to remove grease from kitchen cabinets.

Another alternative to remove grease in the kitchen
Vinegar also has qualities to remove grease in the kitchen, which makes it a great ally for disinfecting the home and keeping furniture, including kitchen cabinets, clean.
Dampen a clean, dry cloth with undiluted white vinegar, and wipe greasy cabinets. Rinse the cloth in hot water, wringing out most of the moisture, and you can reuse it to give the cabinets the finishing touch.
Dry wet surfaces with a paper towel, but be aware of still sticky spots that need to be allowed to dry naturally and re-cleaned, if necessary.
Baking soda to remove fat
Sprinkle baking soda on a damp sponge or a non-abrasive sponge (so as not to damage the furniture), and clean all greased surfaces. Follow with a clean, damp cloth to remove any dust residue.