How to wash stove burners with zote soap to remove grime
It is very famous in all homes for its effectiveness in cleaning , and especially the pink color that is used for clothes. Now you will be surprised to know how to wash stove burners with Zote soap. Also discover how to uncover the stove burners so that they light well.
This pink zote soap is excellent for removing grease and stains from clothing, and can be used to clean your stove quickly and easily. You just have to perform a very effective trick that here we will teach you how to eliminate fat and filth from burners. The best thing is that it will help you avoid scratches and stains.

Trick to remove grime from stove burners
- 1/4 bar of pink zote soap.
- Hot water.
- 1 cup of white vinegar.

- GRATE 1/4 zote soap and place in bowl.
- BRING water to a boil and add the grated soap. Let it melt completely.
- ADD the cup of vinegar and stove burners, and simmer for 20 minutes in preparation. In addition, you can also know 5 tricks that you did not know to save light in the kitchen (your receipt will appreciate it).
- Using a sponge or soft brush, SCALE the mixture through the burners and let it sit for 3 minutes.
- Finally, RINSE the burners. Repeat this procedure once a week for best results.
- With frequent use, the burners and stove will return to their original color.