How to take care of a Syngonium Plant and reproduce it at home

This beautiful plant is highly sought after for its foliage and ease of cultivation. You just have to keep in mind that it is a climber, so its location must be in a considerable space.
Next, we show you the basic care and how to reproduce this plant in the comfort of your home.
- It requires light, but not direct sun.
- It does not tolerate temperatures below 13º C.
- It needs a location where air flows.
- It requires a lot of moisture, especially in spring and summer, so you should provide it with water when you notice that the top soil is dry.
- Spraying its leaves at least 3 times a week is recommended.
- For the hot months, provide liquid fertilizer with the irrigation water.
- This plant does not require pruning, simply as you notice that the lower leaves are falling, proceed to remove them.
- When you want to transplant, it will be the best time to cut the stem and replant so that it grows strong.
How to reproduce the Syngonium plant:

- Proceed to cut a cutting of the plant.
- The best part of the stem to reproduce is the final part where there are several leaves and at least 2 nodes.
- Proceed to place this part of the stem in a glass of water that completely covers the nodes.
- After a few days you will notice that the roots have begun to appear.
- When you notice that the roots measure at least 3 cm, you can proceed to plant in the ground.
- This plant can reproduce and grow without difficulty in water, so you will decide whether to move it to land or keep it in clean water.
- The pot you need is at least 15 cm, and you just have to make sure it has good holes for drainage.
Syngonium plant care:

- If you notice that the leaves drop for no reason, it may be because it does not have enough water or has been exposed to colder places.
- If, on the other hand, you notice that the stem or leaves rot near the substrate, it is because they received a greater amount of water. To recover it, remove the damaged parts and let the soil dry and then resume the corresponding irrigation.
- If you notice that the leaves have dried somewhere, it is because at some point of the day it is receiving direct sunlight.
- If whitish spots appear on the back of the leaves, it is because it has contracted the cotton mealybug.
- If the leaves have a yellowish color and when you touch them you notice that they turn into dust, surely they have been attacked by mites. Try to spray the leaves more often, so these insects will be absent.