How to remove wine stains from colored clothes with milk
To vary the techniques a little, see how to remove wine stains from colored clothes with homemade ingredients.

See how to accomplish this feat below:
- Set aside a large container. A pan indeed.
- Place the stained garment there and add milk until it covers the garment.
- Boil the milk with your clothes and soak in it.
- Once it starts to boil, turn it off and wait for it to cool down a bit.
- Now rub the parts where the stain hasn’t come out yet to try to remove them.
- Wash your clothes normally.
- Discard the milk used in this operation.
And suddenly you learned how to remove wine stains from colored or white clothes with milk. Wine is becoming more and more harmless, isn’t it? As you discover ways to get wine stains out of your clothes, it’s only natural to no longer fear groups of wine-drinking friends who are a little clumsy.