How to plant a Lemon Tree in a Pot – Step by step
Do you want to plant a lemon tree and you don’t know how to do it ? You will have to assess the time of year, know how to get the seeds to germinate and always give them the care that the lemon tree requires.

Although there are some aspects of the planting and care of the lemon tree in a pot that are very simple, others require knowing the details and paying attention to comply well with some steps or care, the plant may die if it is exposed to an inadequate temperature and extreme, or if flooded with water.
How to germinate a lemon seed

To plant a lemon tree in a pot, you must first get the seed to germinate or you will need to get a small lemon tree plant. If you want to learn how to plant a lemon tree from a lemon, that is, using its seeds directly, follow these steps to germinate a lemon seed:
Keep the most mature seeds of those lemons that you are going to use. It is important to sow recently collected seeds, since the more time passes, the more difficult it will be to germinate.
Remove the gel-like substance they contain by rinsing them in water and ensure that each seed is whole, that is, do not plant those that are broken. By cleaning the seeds you will be able to prevent the appearance of fungi that damage the plant.
Drain the seeds and put them in pots or seedbeds with new, composted soil that is slightly moist. If the soil contains excess moisture, it will rot the planted seeds.
Fix each of the lemon seeds to a depth of 1.5 cm in the potting soil.
Cover the seeds with more soil and put plastic wrap in the pot or seedbed.
Place the pot with the planted lemon seeds in a location where the temperature is stable, avoiding cold drafts or extreme temperatures.
When you see that it is growing, remove the plastic wrap or create a hole big enough for the plant to come out, but leave part of the plastic to continue generating a little more moisture and heat.
What is the best time to plant a lemon tree?

The lemon tree has an ideal time of year to be planted. This tree needs to perceive heat, but without being exposed to extreme temperatures. Therefore, the best seasons to plant lemon trees in pots are spring and autumn, but preferably spring (in the case of the northern hemisphere it is late March, April, May or early June).
The best temperature for the lemon tree to enjoy good health and grow is between 15 o C and 21 o C, so in addition to planting it in spring or autumn you must protect it from the cold temperatures of winter, as well as from the highest in summer.
How to plant a lemon tree in a pot

Planting a lemon tree in a pot is not exactly the same as planting it in the ground, although these processes do share some aspects. When the plant that has germinated from the seed that you planted in the seedbed or in the pot reaches an optimal size, you have to transplant it to the pot in which you want it to develop for much longer. Here we show you how to plant a lemon tree in a pot step by step:
Once you get the lemon seed to germinate and the plant is already several cm tall and has several leaves, it’s time to transplant them into a fixed pot. Do you not know what size pot a lemon tree needs? At the beginning of growing a lemon tree in a pot you can plant it in small pots, but the moment the roots come out of the holes in the base or you clearly see that it is too big or tall for the pot it is in, you will have to transplant the lemon tree to a larger pot.
Use universal potting soil, but mix in some porous stones to improve drainage and some organic compost.
The pot must have holes in the base so that the water has an outlet and drains properly, preventing the lemon tree from drowning.
Choose the germinated seed and carefully remove the paper that covers it.
Place the plant in a hole centered in the potting soil so that the plant continues to grow straight and well centered in the pot, preventing the branches from colliding with the edge of the pot.
Cover the base of the plant with soil until you notice that it is well fixed.
Give the lemon plant a little water.
Finally, place the pot in an area where it receives sunlight for at least 5 hours a day, but preferably not direct sunlight from strong midday.
How to care for a potted lemon tree

After discovering how to plant a lemon tree in a pot, we will now give you some very important tips to learn about caring for a lemon tree in a pot:
Normally, the fruits of lemon trees grow in permeable soils with great drainage and low salinity. Avoid very humid areas, since it will cost much more for the lemon tree to bear fruit. Therefore, if you see that your lemon tree in a pot does not produce lemons even though it is several years old, check this point, as well as all the other aspects of its basic needs and care.
This tree requires quite a bit of contact with sunlight. Take this aspect into consideration to place it in an area of the home with a significant amount of sunlight. If you decide to have the lemon tree in a pot indoors, place it near a window.
As stated throughout the article, the ideal temperature for a lemon tree is between 15 o C and 21 o C.
The frequency of watering that it needs is every 2 days in summer and, during the rest of the year, you can increase the time between watering and watering, since it will need less water.
It is necessary to transplant a lemon tree to a larger pot every 2 or 3 years, renewing the substrate and touching the roots as little as possible so that they are not damaged.
The end of winter is the best time to prune it, trimming diseased and dry branches.
Pests such as the aphid, the cottony mealybug and the red spider are its main threats. Potassium soap and neem oil are the best products to apply a preventive treatment to lemon trees.