How to make your Succulents bloom and perfume your house
If there are plants that we find in any home, they are succulents. Their beauty and easy care make anyone want to grow them.

If you had the opportunity to see them bloom, you will find a new species that amazes with the diversity of its flowers.
These plants are known by the name of succulents, the distinctive feature is that they are plants capable of storing large amounts of water in their fleshy leaves. In this way they can survive in arid conditions without problems, which is why they have a reputation for being easy to care for.
The flowers that they give us are varied and of infinite colors. There are tubular, star, or bell shaped ones, facing upwards to favor pollination or downwards to protect their most sensitive organs.

Succulent flowers love the sun, ideally their exposure should be gradual to prevent their leaves from burning. If temperatures go above 32º C, move your plant to a semi-shaded area, they don’t like extreme heat. When you see that the buds are coming out, I recommend you give them 1 more hour of sun exposure each day, this will stimulate their flowering.

It is important to take a good look at the recommendations on the amount of fertilizer that should be applied, sometimes we make the mistake of believing that the more the better, causing our plant to die. You will need a fertilizer high in phosphorus and low in nitrogen, once a month is recommended. If your plant is already in bloom, you can use 1/2 dose until your succulents stop giving flowers.

Although they put up with a lot of lack of water, they love water. You should soak the soil for your plant each time you water it. You will know when to repeat the operation when you insert your finger 4 cm and the soil is dry, it will be an indicator to water again. Remember that if you use tap water, you must let it rest for 24 to 48 hours to eliminate the remains of chlorine that is used to make city water drinkable.

Some succulents take years to give their first flowers, the more mature the plant, the more chances to enjoy its impressive flowers. There is a type of succulent that only blooms once in its life, but it is so beautiful that it is worth the wait.
Succulents that give flowers
1.Aloe vera

This plant has the longest flowering of its kind. Its flowering occurs in summer, with a resplendent orange color. When your aloe begins to give a stick, it will be the sign that you will soon enjoy its flowering. If you have it in a pot, you will need to transplant them into a large pot for it to flourish.
Jade plant

This plant is not usually associated with flowering, but it gives white starry flowers. At the end of winter you will begin to see the beginning of its flowering, you must be patient, since many times it takes years for them to give us their first flowers.

They are known for their rosette – shaped leaves, the leaf itself looks like a flower. From this one, a stem with pink succulent flowers comes out that give this plant a special color frame.