How to know if they gave you the liters of gas you paid for or just air
People who use gas cylinders have probably been interested in knowing how much gas is in a cylinder.

You may think that the process to measure gas is as simple as shaking the cylinder, if this is the method you use, let us warn you that it is a big mistake, as it can be dangerous. Also, you will not be able to know how much gas is in the cylinder.
In this article we show you how you can know how much gas is in a cylinder in a safe and effective way.
How to know how much gas is in a cylinder
- To find out how much gas a cylinder has, it must be in use. That is, we will have to turn on the stove or grill to be able to carry out the test.
- Then, with the help of a bucket of water, we will wet the entire outside of the cylinder. Make sure the surface is completely wet to guarantee the success of the test.
- Next, we will let a couple of minutes elapse. In a short time you will perceive how a strip of the water that you placed dries more quickly. That stripe is the indication of how much gas is actually in the cylinder.

This 3 simple step method allows you to know exactly how much gas is in a cylinder. You can take the test as many times as you want without any risk.
Another option to find out how much gas is in a cylinder is by weighing it. For this you need a scale, it can be a personal one.
You should weigh the cylinder when it is full, and then weigh it when the gas is gone. We only have to weigh the cylinder when we want and subtract the weight to know how much gas it contains.
As a precaution, be sure to turn off the gas tap before transferring the cylinder to the scale.