How to Grow a Beautiful Gardenia Flower
Gardenias are beautiful wildflowers from Africa, South Asia, and Oceania. Although they are native to these regions, you can grow them at home or in an apartment, as long as you take the necessary measures to respect the development characteristics of these plants.

They bloom from May to July, between mid-spring and mid-summer. Some species are very fragrant, creating a nice fresh air for your flower garden. The colors of these flowers are creamy white. The leaves are dark green.
They have as symbolism the representation of innocence and sweetness. One of the meanings is platonic love or love that overcomes barriers.
Here are some tips for growing and caring for gardenias in your home :

- They require a lot of water, so water frequently to ensure the necessary humidity for their growth.
- The land must be well fertilized so that they develop well.
- You can choose an area of the garden where there is a high incidence of sun, since these flowers are used to sunlight.
- A common disease in gardenias is bud drop. But, you can also find mites, aphids and other pests that spoil your plant.
- Observe the body language of your flower. Yellow leaves and falling buds mean it needs one of these things : water, sun, fertilizer, or heat.

- During the warm months, the gardenia requires some shade. Although it is a tropical plant that likes the sun, excesses are never good.
- Gardenias like soil rich in nutrients. So bet on organic fertilizers that provide all the necessary nutrients.