How to bleach clothes without chlorine with 5 easy home remedies
In addition to eliminating any bad odor, stains are also a headache and more so when they occur on white clothes, since they can easily get dirty. Do not resort to chemicals and better check here how to bleach clothes without chlorine

Learn how to bleach your clothes without using chlorine with these home remedies
In addition to being an economical product, it helps to eliminate stains, giving fabrics softness.
ADD ½ cup of baking soda to your regular detergent and do the regular wash. Remember not to mix washing colored clothes with white ones.
FOR BLAST STAINS, apply directly, mixed with a little lemon juice and then wash with your detergent.

2.- OXYGEN WATER Hydrogen
Peroxide is a product that helps to whiten and care for garments because it does not contain chlorine.
For your regular wash, ADD ½ cup of hydrogen peroxide with your normal detergent. It can also be applied directly to the stain.

Lemon juice is a natural astringent that deeply cleanses, removes all kinds of dirt and leaves white clothes shiny.
Fill a pot with water and lemon wedges, bring it to a boil, and then soak your clothes for 1 hour before washing them regularly.
Another good option is to prepare a soap solution, 1 tablespoon of salt and the juice of 2 lemons. Soak your clothes in this mixture, then let them drain and dry them in the sun.

4.- MILK
This natural ingredient helps to care for the garments and, incidentally, helps them whiten. It is especially recommended for delicate or cotton garments.
Soak the garment in a bowl of milk, leave it there for a couple of hours and rinse as usual.

In addition to being a product that helps remove stains and dirt, white vinegar is not aggressive with fabrics and helps soften them so as not to have to resort to chemical fabric softeners.
ADD ½ to 1 cup white distilled vinegar to your natural powdered laundry detergent and do your regular laundry.
IF YOUR GARMENTS HAVE STAINS on the neck, armpits or other areas, apply vinegar to the affected area and leave it to act for 1 hour before rinsing it off.

We well know that white garments do not stay that way by magic, help to keep them in good condition and especially shiny with these little tips.
To avoid terrible yellow stains on white clothes, avoid applying perfumes, deodorants, or any other chemicals that will stain the fabric.
If you dry your clothes in the sun, the UV rays will help keep the white much prettier and brighter.