Homemade air freshener to make your house smell like citrus

Pleasant aromas have a positive influence on our mood, but especially citrus aromas.

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Both orange and lemon are powerful antidepressants that cause profound well-being when used to combat said disease.

Here’s an easy way to make a homemade citrus flavoring.

You need:

  • glass jar with lid
  • 1 tablespoon of cloves
  • Lemon or orange essential oil
  • Lemon or orange peel
  • Water
  • Wooden sticks for diffusers
  • Alcohol


  • 1- Sterilize the glass jar you have. Booking.
  • 2- Peel the orange or lemon. It should only be the skin, so try to avoid the white part.
  • 3- Cut the shells into small pieces and place them in the jar.
  • 4- Add the tablespoon of cloves.
  • 5- Then pour a little alcohol and fill the rest of the container up to the surface with water.
  • 6- Add a few drops of essential oil. Approximately 15 drops.
  • 7- We cover the jar and shake vigorously.
  • 8- Let stand for 24 hours.
  • 9- When this time has passed, uncover the jar and insert the diffuser sticks. Let them soak up the liquid for a while, then flip them over.

Another option for homemade flavoring is in a bag. This air freshener is ideal to put in any area of the house.

You need:

  • Peel of 1 orange
  • peel of 1 lemon
  • Peel of 1 grapefruit
  • Peel of 1 tangerine
  • Tulle fabric or something similar
  • Fine rope, jute twine, or ribbon


  • 1- All citrus peels are cut into pieces with our hands.
  • 2- We put them on a tray to dry. This can be done directly in the sun and wait a few days or in the oven.
  • 3- Now that the shell pieces are dry, we are going to put a handful in a square made with the tulle fabric.
  • 4- We grab the ends of the fabric and close very carefully. With the help of the rope or tape we close well and make a knot.

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