Get Rid of Cockroaches Permanently with Baking Soda and Sugar
Cockroaches invading your home can be a truly repulsive experience, whether they’re lurking in your kitchen cabinets, behind the fridge, in drawers, cracks, drains, or other hiding spots. They are a real plague, seeking out dark places, which is why they come out at night in search of food and waste. The urgent question is: how to eliminate cockroaches?

As we know, these detestable insects tend to emerge, especially in warm weather. They’ll go to great lengths to find food, so it’s crucial to be vigilant and block their entry points, such as holes, pipes, windows, and other access points to your home.
How to Eliminate Cockroaches
- Traps: An intriguing method is to place small boxes or containers in the areas cockroaches use as hideouts. Fill these with aromatic plants that repel them, as well as homemade remedies that can eliminate them entirely.
- Insecticide: When choosing an insecticide, opt for a non-professional product that is not harmful or toxic to your family. Look for the most suitable and highly effective option at your local supermarket.
- Store Food in Sealed Containers: Prevent the appearance of cockroaches by storing food in sealed containers. Open containers and cans are known to attract them. Additionally, if they are already in your cabinets, they won’t be able to touch the food and contaminate it.
- Baits: Baits are also very effective and come in the form of pills, powders, or gel. Place them strategically near doors, in cracks, drawers, or under appliances. This is a super effective and exterminating method.
- Baking Soda and Sugar: Sugar attracts insects while baking soda repels cockroaches. You can also combine sugar with borax for a potent mixture. We’ll focus on the baking soda and sugar mixture, as these ingredients are likely already in your home. Mix them thoroughly to create a consistent blend. You’ll need small bottle caps, like those from soda or soft drinks, to place small portions of the homemade mixture.
How the Trap Works: The sugar lures the cockroaches, and upon approaching and ingesting it, the baking soda takes effect in their stomachs, causing swelling and eventually leading to their demise.
- Adhesive Traps: Adhesive traps won’t eliminate cockroaches on their own, but they’ll catch them, leaving them ready for insecticide application to put an end to them.
By applying these homemade methods, you’ll no longer have to deal with this repulsive plague. Simply try one or more of these suggestions, and you’ll eliminate cockroaches once and for all.
Additional Tips:
- Aromatic plants, especially mint, laurel, or garlic, help significantly in the battle against cockroaches, as they seem to possess properties that repel them.
- Deep cleaning and proper maintenance, especially in the bathroom and kitchen, where these detestable insects are often found, are essential. Remember to do all of this during the warm season, as that’s when this pest is most active, and it’s the ideal time to put an end to them.